Thursday, June 16, 2011

I like medieval armor

I like how the different pieces and parts are shaped and how they fit together.  I like the variations on armor between cultures and why said variations exist (do these people ride horses a lot of the time?  Primarily use bow and arrows as opposed to spears or swords?).  So it's not surprising that my liking armor seeps into character design.

Here I'm trying to illustrate differences in armor between two made-up cultures.  Still needs some tweaking; the one on the right is supposed to be geared toward riding horses and the one on the left not so much.  Horse-riding dude could nix the armor bits sitting below the belt; it can't be too comfortable sitting in a saddle with those things there haha.  I like the leather kilt on the righthand figure but it could be changed up more so it doesn't scream 'ancient Roman'.

That's all for now, will check in back next week.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

just one for today

In other news, I'm going to try for a weekly update schedule and see how it all works out.  New internship at Animatus is eating all of my time and energy right now.